The interdisciplinary public policy program includes outstanding affiliate faculty from related social science departments on the UMBC campus.
Salem Abo-Zaid
Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park; monetary economics, macroeconomics, fiscal policy
Michael Andrews
Ph.D., University of Iowa; Economic History, Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Applied Microeconomics
Enrico Berkes
Ph.D., Northwestern University; Economics of Innovation, Urban Economics, Applied Microeconomics
Robert Carpenter
Ph.D., Washington University; macroeconomics, monetary economics, industrial organization, theory of the firm
Oleg Firsin
Ph.D., Cornell University; International Trade, Labor Economics, Development Economics, and Applied Microeconomics
Thomas Gindling, Jr.
Ph.D., Cornell University; economic development (Economics advisor)
Douglas Lamdin
Ph.D., University of Maryland; corporate finance, managerial economics
David Mitch, Chair
Ph.D., University of Chicago; American and European economic history
Morgan Rose
Ph.D., Washington University; Applied microeconomics, corporate finance, corporate governance, industrial organization, financial institutions
Chunming Yuan
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles; international economics and finance, financial economics, econometrics
Keisha McIntosh Allen
Ed.D., Columbia University; Culturally Responsive Education, Critical Multicultural Teacher Education, Urban Education, Qualitative Research Methods
Zane L. Berge
Ph.D., Michigan State University ; Training Systems, Distance Education, Computer-Mediated Communication
Francis M. Hult
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; Educational linguistics, Language Policy and Planning, Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingual Education, Sustainability, and Transdisciplinarity
Jiyoon Lee
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; Alternative assessment, Language assessment literacy, Teacher education
Jennifer Mata-McMahon
Ed.D., Columbia University; Early Childhood Education, Bilingual Education, Teacher Preparation, Secular Spirituality, Children’s Spirituality, Qualitative Research Methods
Christopher Rakes
Ph.D., University of Louisville; mathematics education, secondary education, mathematics misconceptions, teacher knowledge, research methodology, research quality
Shannon Sauro
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; Fanfiction and Fan Practices, Language Learning in the Digital Wilds, Task-Based Language Teaching, Telecollaboration/Virtual Exchange
Eugene Shaffer
Ed.D., Temple University; international education, classroom interaction, school reform, school effectiveness, schools high-reliability, students placed at-risk
Jonathan Singer
Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia; Science Education
Michele Stites
Ed.D., George Washington University; early childhood mathematics, special education
Lauren Clay, Chair
Ph.D., University of Delaware; Disaster Food Insecurity, Public Health
Matthew Fagan
Ph.D., Columbia University; Causes and consequences of habitat fragmentation, landscape ecology, remote sensing and GIS, conservation biology, and sustainable land-use
Margaret B. Holland
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison; human dimensions of environmental change, land tenure, environmental conservation and resource management, land use dynamics, rural livelihood strategies
David Lansing
Ph.D., Ohio State University; Rural livelihoods, political ecology, environmental governance, climate change policy
Dillon Mahmoudi
Ph.D., Portland State University; Economic geography, critical GIS and counter-mapping, urban studies, labor markets, digital geography, youth & carceral geographies
Alan Yeakley
Ph.D., University of Virginia; ecosystem ecology, watershed hydrology, with emphases on urban ecology and riparian ecosystems
Christy Ford Chapin
Ph.D., University of Virginia; political business, and economic history and capitalism studies
Amy Froide, Chair
Ph.D., Duke University; Early Modern Britain, Women’s and Economic History
Daniel Ritschel
Ph.D., Oxford; Great Britain, economic and social policy, historiography (Policy History advisor)
Brian Van Wyck
Ph.D., Michigan State University; Modern Germany, Immigration, Turkish history
Laura Antkowiak
Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park; social welfare and morality policy, public opinion on policy issues, American public policy, politics, and administration
William Blake
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin; public attitudes towards the Constitution, how courts operate in the American political system, development of the Supreme Court’s civil rights and religious freedom jurisprudence
Felipe A. Filomeno
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; human development, especially in reference to Latin America and the Latin American diaspora, immigration politics and policy in urban spaces
Brian Grodsky
Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; democratic revolutions, states and citizens negotiating their rights and responsibilities
Eric Stokan
Ph.D.,George Washington University; local government decision making regarding economic development, community development, and environmental policy at the state, region, and local levels; evaluation of policies on economic growth, equity, and social outcomes
Lisa Vetter
Ph.D., Fordham University; political theory
Chris Murphy
Ph.D., State University of New York, Stony Brook; understanding, preventing, and treating emotional abuse and physical violence in intimate adult relationships
Marina A. Adler
Ph.D., University of Maryland; social stratification and inequality; cross-national gender, work and family policy; sociology of women; research methods and statistics
Andrea Kalfoglou
Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University; bioethics, public health ethics, reproductive policy and ethics, genetics policy and ethics, research ethics, public engagement in science and policymaking
John G. Schumacher
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University; medical sociology, physician-patient relationships, health care delivery in emergency departments and assisted living facilities, social gerontology, research methods
Dena Smith
Ph.D. Rutgers University; the mental health professions, gender and mental health, and the sociology of medicine
Brandy H. Wallace
Ph.D., Florida State University; racial and gender inequities in healthcare, chronic disease management strategies of mid-life and older African American women, health care workers’ quality of life