Our mission is to provide quality education for a diverse range of high quality students (both full time and part time) with a variety of aspirations and career goals related to public policy. These include:
- Students who have recently completed their undergraduate education and are interested in pursuing careers in policy analysis, management, or research;
- In-service (mid-career) professionals who want to improve their abilities and qualifications;
- Students who have already completed a master’s degree in public policy, public administration, planning, or a related discipline and wish to pursue additional education;
- Individuals who are interested in teaching or research positions in public policy-related fields at academic institutions.
When you study public policy at UMBC, you will learn not only the public policy process, but also the tools and concepts for analyzing public policy. The public sector emphasis and training in evaluation and analytical methods distinguishes our program from others in the region.
If you are ready for the next step in your educational and professional development, consider joining us at UMBC.