Current Students

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Resources and Forms

How to Register

Graduate School Student Forms

Public Policy forms for ENROLLED students (requires myUMBC login)

Graduate Student Handbook 

Dissertation Handbook (Sept 2020)

Completed Dissertations

Financing Resources

Public Policy Fellowships for Enrolled Students

Who to ask at the School of Public Policy

Graduate life for Public Policy students goes beyond the classroom and the computer lab, to professional and social activities on and off campus. We have a variety of resources to help our students stay connected to each other and to the University.

The Public Policy Graduate Student Organization (PPGSO) organizes social and professional development activities to support Public Policy students and complement their educational program. New members are always welcome.

The UMBC Graduate Student Association (GSA) supports the academic, professional, social and personal needs of all of UMBC’s graduate student community. Each department is eligible to have two senators for their monthly meetings.

Transferring Credits

Previous graduate coursework, if it is relevant and taken within the past five years, may lead the adviser to recommend a reduction in the course credit hours required for the Ph.D or M.P.P. The maximum reduction is 18 credits for Ph.D. and 6 credits for M.P.P. A previously taken course may make a required course redundant. In this case, the student may ask to be exempt from the requirement. Exemptions do not reduce the total number of credits necessary, but they do give the student more flexibility in taking advanced courses and electives. Students will consult with their adviser to determine eligible transfer credit and exemptions. For more details, see page 4 of the Student Handbook

Stay ConnectedPhoto of a row of students smiling for the camera in front of framed pictures. Wine glasses can be seen towards the bottom of the screen.

Join the UMBC Public Policy Groups site for announcements, scholarship, grant opportunities, program guidelines, policy forums and lectures,  and forms. Enrolled students can log into the site through myUMBC.





Professional Associations

American Public Health Association

Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM)

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)

Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)